Tek-Inova™ TekNirvana has implemented a "partnered innovation" framework called Tek-Inova™ (short for TekNirvana Innovation Management) to ensure continuous and proactive evaluation of innovations from both the public and private sectors to add value to our customers by supporting evolving technology and solution needs. Rather than evaluating piecemeal or currently "trending" innovations which may or may result in tangible benefits over the long run, Tek-Inova takes a holistic approach by focusing on what we call the entire "Innovation Management Lifecycle". We define Innovation Management as the management of innovation processes to systematically identify, analyze, evaluate, recommend, and introduce mission relevant tools, technologies, best practices, methods, systems, and processes to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and/or boost productivity.Tek-Inova acts as a catalyst for facilitating improvements in every aspect of management, engineering, and service provision. Contrary to popular or accepted beliefs, innovation is not merely relegated to R&D but involves workers at every level in contributing creatively to customer's mission goals and objectives. By focusing on the entire innovation lifecycle, Tek-Inova allows this necessary participation, collaboration, and partnership across all levels within the organization and systematically evaluates potential innovations in the context of a total solution to customer needs thereby promoting a continuous "optimize, modernize, and innovate" cycle. The diagram below illustrates this concept and forms the gist (CONOPS) of the Tek-Inova methodology focusing on continuous optimization, responsiveness and agility. ![]() Tek-Inova consists of two major phases: scanning of new technologies and incorporation of approved innovations into the work or contract. Please review the full white paper for a detailed description of the process. ![]() |